Monday, March 15, 2010


Today was a day. I haven't heard from the alien since last Wednesday, and the time before that was on Sunday when he called me up to come over. That Sunday I went over there to talk to him to tell him how I felt. To tell him that I want two things from him: to call me and to be seen out in public with me. He told me that he could talk to me on the phone and he didn't see why he couldn't do what I asked. I felt good that I FINALLY told him how I felt. I walked away thinking I would never hear from him again, and if I didn't, well I was glad that I had my final two cents. So, I didn't hear from him until Wednesday night, the typical text message of "what are you doing?" I didn't get the text until the next day. I sent him a text Saturday night, and didn't hear back from him.

A wise woman told me to let God deal with this, so the past few days I've been asking God to handle this situation for me. Last night I told God I needed a sign that it was time to move on. Thanks to him he is the only man in my life that listens to me. I went on today after seeing it on the back of my church bulletin. I filled out my profile, assessed a client, then came back to finishing my profile. I checked to see if anyone was different (I've been on it before) and who do you think I saw...THE ALIEN! Wow...nothing like your heart sinking into your stomach. I was hurt. I think I had a 10% hope that he would see me but he's never seen me in the light I've wanted him to. I can't change him. I can't change what he thinks is better than me out there. All I can be thankful for is that God answered a prayer that I had asked for, and he answered it quickly!

Today also was a great day in that I asked my X if I could go to dinner with him on Thursday with him and our daughter and he said yes. Hopefully he stays in his manic high until Thursday so he doesn't change his mind. I'm excited for our daughter to see her parents together.
Also, to add to the ironicness of today. I received a phone call from a mutual friend of the alien's and mine. He's married now, and I don't speak to him anymore. He's called in July and he called today. He asked how I was doing, and a minute into the conversation said, "I heard that you and the alien were seeing each other" I replied that we weren't seeing each other. Perhaps I'm being too analytical but what are the odds of this phone call on the day when I find out that the guy I like who has been stringing me along the whole time, telling me to be patient, that I met from this mutual friend is now online dating because apparently I'm too good for him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I've said this before, and I will say this again (to quote someone wise) "Any man that is stupid enough to let you go, you are smart enough to walk away from."

So, here's to sticking with your intuition, learning from your mistakes, not letting ANYONE pull the wool over your eyes and to letting go of an obvious failure!

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