Saturday, February 6, 2010


Last night's impromtu "date" was a movie night. We watched it at his house, and it was nice to see him again since the last few times, times have clashed. Our last planned date was because I asked him out. I guess if I would wait for him to ask me out I would be waiting longer than the years I already have. Since it's my nature in life to go after what I want, I do what I know to do.
I guess with him it's kind of nice knowing that there's a bit in common with him. We grew up in the same area of Canton. We went to the same church when we were young. He knows my cousin. He's Catholic and it's important to him to be a Catholic. A wise friend told me to write down what I wanted in a guy and when I found that, I know I would find what I was looking for.
My wants:
1. good with kids
2. Catholic
3. Educated
4. Handy Man
5. Not the baby of the family
6. open-minded
7. wants kids
8. marriage
9. respects his mom
10. family man
not that these are in any order except for obviously #1. So what do you do when you find that one that meets your wants list and also hands nice hands, dimples, drinks tea and listens to like him...only to what...have him tell you that he's not ready to date...aka not ready to date you. keep your faith and you trust God's plan.

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