Saturday, February 20, 2010

he's the one telling me to be patient...

A day or so has gone by since I've last had communication with him. I tried to get him to hate me through my texts because that way I know it would be over, he wouldn't want to "deal" with me. My last text was sent to him on Thursday, and I didn't hear from him until last night. He wanted to know what I was doing...I had my night planned out but continued to communicate with him. He said he wanted to see me, and that he was aware he waited too long to make plans. I did my things that I had to do that night, and what do you know...on the way to take Marlo to her dad's he CALLED me! I of course, being the person I am, gave it to him for actually calling me. We figured out a time for me to come over and snuggle. I'm always game for a cuddle session. We watched Harry & the Hendersons and had a good night. Nothing was spoken of dating. Nothing was spoken of anything other than the brief times of communication about school, life, or how old we're getting!

He's always telling me how I need to be patient, and at times people just need to eat their words. I'm not sure how I feel today about him. I told him what I always tell him...actions speak louder than words.

What I do know about today is that for some reason he's still here in my life, well at least he was last night. Today is a new day. I have this feeling about him, and it's not that "he's the one" but that he's in it to be an example for me. For some reason, beyond what I know or what he knows we were in each other's lives for this long. As much as I would like to think he's got the power in the decision making, I know I have my own...but ultimately it's God's will to see where our path takes us to.

Do I think we would be good together. Yes. He's not my "type" on the outside, but he's complete and whole on the inside, and that's far more important to me than whether he will attend an art show with me.

We'll see where this path leads us, and along the way so far one of us has stayed in contact with each other, and if we cease we'll always at least have our faith.

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